Contact Details

St James'

Church of England First School








Welcome to our Policies and Documents page.


The majority of our policies are Trust-wide policies and can be found on the Diocese of Salisbury Academy Trust website. Please click here to access these.   A number of other policies, and those that have been tailored to our school, are below.

Complaints Procedure

Our Commitment to you - All our staff including the Head Teacher are available to discuss issues as they arise. Please feel free to approach us with any worries you have as soon as they arise as this can prevent matters from escalating.

St James' Equality Impact Information

This document details the steps which are taken to ensure the school meets its obligations in regard to equality, along with the impact of the actions taken. Impact information is not provided for groups of children smaller than 10 to ensure confidentiality within the groups is maintained.

GDPR & Privacy Notices

These documents set out our commitment to keeping and using data safely and in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulations. Mrs Sarah Clayton is our Data Protection Officer, please make contact via the school office if you have any queries. To access these documents, click the link below.
