Contact Details

St James'

Church of England First School








St James' CE First School is a beautiful village school set just outside the heart of Wimborne that welcomes children from Gaunts Common and the wider surrounding areas.


There is no ‘one process fits all’ and every family will have unique questions, circumstances. We therefore encourage every family to put on a pair of comfy shoes and come for a visit. This will enable you to begin to get to know us better, and us to begin to know you and your children. During your visit, as well as exploring our wonderful surroundings and facilities, you will have a chance to spend time with our Headteacher.


We would love to show you the school in action. To book a tour with the headteacher, either phone the office or use the booking form below.

Open Evening for Prospective Parents - Wednesday 25th September - 17.30 - 19.00


Is your child starting school in September 2025? Are you moving to the area?

You are warmly invited to attend our open evening for prospective parents. A relaxed opportunity for you, and your child, to explore the school and engage in our interactive activities.

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The governors of voluntary aided maintained schools (previously VC and VA) are their school’s ‘admissions authority’. Every year ‘admissions authorities’ must produce their school’s admissions arrangements (Admissions Policy) for the academic year which is two years ahead of the current school year. 


Please see below for our Admissions Policies. 


In Year Admissions

  • Applications for in year admission may be submitted at any time during the school year. 
  • The School is part of the LA’s in-year co-ordination scheme.  Any person wishing to apply for a place at the School in-year will need to contact the LA for an application form and a supplementary information form if required.  Further details in respect of in-year applications is available from the School office or from the School website.
  • The LA will liaise with the School on receipt of any in-year application so that it may be processed in accordance with the School’s admission arrangements.

2024-2025 Admissions
